Love Is Like A Box of Chocolates: How To Handle Rejection

How To Handle Rejection

Rejection in our careers and in our romantic lives is inevitable. Rejection can find us even on days otherwise filled with love and romance, or chocolates and teddy bears, like Valentine’s Day. But how do we handle rejection?

Rejection can be an opportunity to learn and grow, despite also serving its own fair share of heartache and self-doubt. Choosing to draw inspiration, meaning, and motivation from rejection is what sets seducers apart from the discarded and wounded victims of love’s “game”.  

Whether on Valentine’s Day, or any other day, you might be asking yourself, “How do I handle rejection?” Fear not! The answers are simple. Rejection, though it may sting more than the initial entrance of cupid’s arrow, does not need to end in tragedy. Rejection can be transformed into personal growth, increased success, and even better outcomes than one might’ve originally sought after.

In keeping with the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s imagine love like a box of chocolates and work our way through the duds and into the delights of rejection’s many valuable lessons. Keep reading to learn how to handle rejection…

The above image includes a stereograph titled “When love is young” by E.W. Kelley and was published in Philadelphia, PA in 1906. This image was retrieved from the Library of Congress (#2003665622).

1. Taste The Bittersweet: Acknowledge Your Emotions

When rejection hits, it is essential to acknowledge and validate your own emotions. Why? Because no one else will, and no one else should. The very real feelings associated with rejection should be processed alone, apart from prying eyes and ears. The mention of any rejections should only come later, as the markers of one’s fortitude and success.

Seducers may tell lies, but they refuse to live caught up in them. Seeking the truth means accepting realities as they present themselves, and rejection is merely a reality to accept. Sometimes, in accepting these situational and relational realities, we feel hurt. Allow yourself the time and space to feel disappointed, hurt, or upset in private. Acknowledge your emotions and remember them. Sit in these feelings and learn from them. What you heal from, you can yield later.

2. Sorting Truffles & Cordials: Identify Your Lessons

Rejection is a powerful teacher. Take a moment to reflect on the experience (i.e., who rejected you, why, and how) and identify any lessons or insights it may offer. Ask yourself what you can learn from the rejection and how you can use it as an opportunity for growth. Perhaps it’s a chance to reassess your approach. Were you rejected for your perceived attitude or intents? Be more covert next time.

If you were rejected for not offering enough of something you didn’t intend to offer (e.g., money, time, energy, resources, affection, etc.), take heart. Your role as a seducer is to reap, and sometimes this involves a period of sowing. Invest your time and energy into people and relationships you know will be fruitful. If a relationship is worth maintaining, the rejection might be mended over time. If not, let it go and establish another.

3. Take The Toffee & Run: Move Forward (Stronger & Better Than Before)

A great way to handle rejection is to choose to view rejection as just a minor setback, not a reflection of your worth. Rather than viewing rejection as a personal failure, reframe it as a redirection toward greater opportunities. Shift your perspective from one of defeat to one of possibility. Instead of sulking in defeat, why not turn it into an opportunity for something greater? Shift your mindset from “no” to “next”, and watch as new paths unfold before you. Explore, pursue neglected passions, and embrace the unknown with courage and curiosity.

As you navigate the aftermath of rejection, tap into your inner reservoir of inner strength and allure. Recognize the power you hold within and celebrate your resilience in the face of life’s little tests of adversity. When learning how to handle rejection, embrace self-confidence as a guiding principle, knowing that your worth is inherent and unshakeable. And, despite this rejection, you will adapt, overcome, and you will be the one defining similar outcomes in the future.


By acknowledging your emotions, reflecting on the experience, reframing rejection, and embracing resilience, you can navigate rejection with confidence and come out on top. Learning how to handle rejection is vital to moving through life as a seducer.

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