Communicating Self-Confidence: 13 Statements & 13 Affirmations


Seducers are no stranger to self-confidence. Self-confidence demonstrates a faith and belief in oneself. This shows one’s comfort in his or her personality and thus a security in one’s sense of self. This comes across as internal and unbreakable.

Speaking with self-confidence ultimately means that you can speak highly of yourself, when necessary and appropriate, and speak highly of others too. Sharing credit and extending appreciation to others shows that you see your strengths and successes as the product of communal input, friendly or professional encouragement, and emotional support as much as your individual efforts, talents, and execution. Those who are secure in themselves have no problem acknowledging their advantages or thanking those who helped them. This security translates to self-confidence, making a person easier to trust, admire, and follow.

Below is a list of sample statements that can demonstrate your self-confidence, as well as a list of words to use in your daily affirmations. Use the words below as daily affirmations to increase your self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Tailor the statements below to your specific relationships and individual needs to best include them in your conversations to build trust, influence, and admiration.

Self-Confident Statements:

  1. “I enjoy spending time with you. I think we bring the good out in each other.”
  2. “I have confidence in our partnership and the impact we can create together.”
  3. “While I am self-motivated and determined to achieve my goals, I always appreciate your encouragement.”
  4. “I believe that personal growth is a lifelong journey, and I’m excited about the path I’m on. I’m excited to have you with me for it, too.”
  5. “I’m open to learning from others while also staying true to my own experience and knowledge.”
  6. “I’m excited to share my vision for this, but equally as excited to learn what you have envisioned for this project.”
  7. “I trust myself. I have faith in my abilities. I know I can do this.”
  8. “I’m thankful for my ability to overcome challenges, and even more thankful for your support.”
  9. “Learning is a lifelong journey, and I approach every new experience with enthusiasm. I’m eager to learn more from you and with you.”
  10. “I speak my mind with confidence, knowing my voice is valuable in our conversations. Thank you for listening to me.”
  11. “My problem-solving skills, coupled with your clarity and attention-to-detail, will inevitably make us a brilliant team.”
  12. “In challenging moments, I find strength in my resilience and the valuable lessons they bring. I am always around, if you need some advice.”
  13. “Every interaction with you leaves me feeling more informed and prepared. Your insights are invaluable to me.”


Beginning with “I am…”, input each of the words below to develop your own personal self-affirmations. String together the words that best describe the traits you feel are lacking in yourself and are the most helpful to you currently.

Speak these affirmations to yourself in the mirror or think of them throughout the day to build self-confidence. Write them down and display them wherever you are working or tape them to a mirror where you will continuously see them. You can even write a few of these affirmations down on small scraps of paper and put them in your pocket, in your car, or in your bag/purse for future reference.

When using self-affirmations to build self-confidence, be sure to also envision any past moments in which you’ve demonstrated these strengths or daydream the exact scenarios in which you can and will use them in the future then you will begin to associate those qualities and traits with yourself. The key is to affirm that you already are self-confident and possess these traits – or have the potential to possess and use these traits. It all starts with your mind.

“I am…”

  1. Capable
  2. Self-reliant
  3. Resilient
  4. Bold
  5. Courageous
  6. Radiant
  7. Optimistic
  8. Tenacious
  9. Empowered
  10. Assertive
  11. Determined
  12. Competent
  13. Magnetic


Seductive magnetism, characterized by charismatic charm, unwavering confidence, and fascinating allure, opens the doors to success in various aspects of life, from romance to friendships and career advancement. Speaking with self-confidence is an integral part of this magnetism, as it means you can speak highly of yourself when necessary and appropriate. Sharing credit and acknowledging communal input, friendly or professional encouragement, and emotional support not only highlights your strengths but also reflects your secure self-awareness. Those who are secure in themselves have no problem acknowledging their advantages or thanking those who helped them, enhancing their trustworthiness, admiration, and leadership potential. Practicing affirmations daily will make it easier for you to step into your confidence and perform it functionally around others.